Holden Brown
Dear UVA,
My name is Holden Brown, and I am from Indiana. I can’t even tell you the number of times I said that on Zoom my freshman year. I left home looking for new people and for new perspectives on the world and I found exactly that. I found people who aren’t afraid to stand tall in their beliefs and are proud of who they are and where they come from. Something I love about the people here. Maybe the NOVA kids shouldn’t be SOOO proud, but that’s okay. It is the people that I have met here who have shaped me into the person I am today. So to every single person I have met year after year Thank you.
I have learned so much from you guys and our shared experiences. I learned how to enjoy a Saturday then get back to work on a Sunday. I learned what field hockey was, even though I am pretty sure it's just stick soccer. I learned to appreciate 7 am wake ups after watching the rowing and football teams up at 5. To smile in the face of adversity and to appreciate every single day we have together because even the kindest souls are taken from us too soon.
I will always appreciate the memories, the people, and the university for shaping me into the man I am today. Thank you for preparing me for wherever life may lead me next and I wish you all the best in your journey too.
Holden Brown